Saturday, 25 February 2012

Sulabin Hausser-Manifesto, Budapest, 1973

13. In an age no longer bound to the facile virtuosity of craft and discipline, the artist must assert full control over the conceptual force of their work. Just as past eras have demanded affinity with materials this age calls for the accurate articulation of ideas both rational and irrational.

14. Banal acquiescence and critical compromise must be challenged at every turn.

63. Bad artists must be put out of their misery. Bad art is corrosive/toxic it should be rooted out and destroyed with extreme prejudice.

4. The greatest threat to a progressive art is no longer the dead art of museo-galleries but current production of the banal, fantastic and safe.

1. The artist must know what they produce.

72. The artist knows that the division of productive force into categories simply empowers the weak. We see no defined disciplines, only pro-generative force.

77. We seek to rupture the dominant hegemonic structures, even if we are part of that structure. creative suicide is the final obligation of the true practitioner.

2. there is no other obligation than the creation of work.

3. Procreation is surrender.

4. Love is destructive. We embrace its true nature without recourse to putrid rationalization.

5. Poetry, Philosophy and Theory are simply branches of single radical ontology (translators note: unsure)the only distinction is one of velocity.

20. We know who we are and they know who they are.

6. No individual should ever be discouraged from creative endeavor.

7. No individual should be lied to about their work.

10. Radical critique is the tool of practitioners and theorists alike.

11. Democracy is the victory of the banal over the vital and intensive.

19. No division exists between ones practice and ones life.

27. Creation is not vocation.

28. In these times it is vital that 'true' practitioners define the orthodoxy as that which they are not. Sadly novelty of action is taken as radical transgression. Hegemonic structures thrive on mere novelty: it simply serves to prolong the dominance of banality.

57. All history is construct; we see it as our duty to highlight the contingent and manipulative nature of so called reality. Step into the abyss. Give birth to truth.